Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shout-Out Central!

Wren, the mastermind behind The Apron Thief, was kind enough to give my Black and White calendar a shout-out today! Her blog is fantastic (check it out here) and I am so proud to be a part of it!

I'm not great with words, so I'll let Wren (great name, huh?) explain her blog herself!

Hi, my name is Wren (like the bird)! The Each Day blog is about being thankful, about learning to find BALANCE, about being present, and about INSPIRATION and CREATIVITY. It is a place for creative and passionate people to learn, share, and grow. Here you'll find articles on balance and being your best self, DIY projects, handmade finds, beautiful photography, small business tips and resources, and inspiration in many forms!

Thanks again, Wren!

Also, don't forget to check out my other calendars on my Etsy shop (click here)! It's not to late to order for the Holidays!!!

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