Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Flash Giveaway!

The first person who comments on this post will win their choice of 2012 Desk Calendar! Go!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Congratulations, Terri!

Well, it looks like Terri has won the first (and maybe only) round of The Great Calendar Giveaway (she was a shoo-in from the beginning!) Thanks for playing and everyone have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gobble! Gobble... huh?

Well, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and remind you to enter The Great Calendar Giveaway. As of now it looks like my girl Terri is going to win because she is the only one who left a comment! I mean seriously y'all - WTF?!? I guess I just don't have what it takes to give away free stuff on the internet! I know people have seen the post because I've been stalking my tracker dude convinced that something very terrible happened to my blog due to the fact that no one entered the giveaway - not even my friends! (except you, Terri - mad props) I am halfway tempted just to declare Terri the winner, but I'm hoping this pathetic post about how much of a loser I am (who knew?) will guilt persuade more people to enter... So, please leave a comment (on this post OR the last - I'll make it easy!) if you would like to participate.

Happy Thanksgiving, I guess...

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Great Calendar Giveaway!

Good morning, y'all! Well, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning and I just can't wait to start giving my calendars away! So, without further ado, let The Great Calendar Giveaway begin!!!

I will be starting a new giveaway every Monday from now until New Years, so be sure to check back in and keep entering!

All you have to do to enter is show me some cyber-love (Facebook, Twitter, you know - the usual) Basically the more things you do, the more chances to win!

Here is a list of things you can do to enter:

1) Like JPress designs on Facebook (link to the right)

2) Follow @JPressSusan on Twitter (to the right, to the right...)

4) Write a blog post about the giveaway

4) Follow me on the blog friend connect guy (guess where? Yup, to the right)

So in your comment just tell me which of these things you have done and you will be entered that many times! If you already follow me/ fan me, etc. then just say so in the comments and you will be entered. A winner will be chosen THIS FRIDAY (and every Friday until New Years!)

Let's get our Holiday Giveaway on!

Calendar designs

Each calendar comes with a nifty holder guy so he will sit upright on your desk. They are super cute and make great Holiday gifts! 2012 Desk Calendars are also available for purchase on my Etsy Shop (click here to check them out!)

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Friday!

And what a happy Friday it is! Why, you may ask? Because... I am going to Paris! That's right! Last week (in a spur-of-the-moment decision) one of my bestest freinds and I decided "Why not? - Let's do this while we are (somewhat) young and irresponsible and we bought our tickets THAT NIGHT (before we lost our nerve!) So, I will be spending my 33rd next birthday in the City of Lights, munching on delicious breads and cheeses (and pastries and chocolate!) while sipping on exquisite wines and wishing I was cool enough to wear a beret (well, maybe not - Monica Lewnisky and Sadam Hussein totally ruined that look for me...)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Time is flying by! I have been so busy lately and I know it's not about to slow down so I should just get ready and hang on!

Monday, November 7, 2011

They're baaack!

Yup - That's right, folks! 2012 Desk Calendars are totally back and ready for action (just in time for Holidays!) With 3 individual designs you are sure to find one for that oh-so-hard-to-shop-for person this year! Scoot on over to my Etsy Shop now and start crossing people off your gift list!

Happy Monday!