Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Random Trends

I'm not the trendiest person... I try, but it's hard to keep up with all of the different things out there! And then once you finally commit - poof! - you are soooooooo last season - it's exhausting!

However, I have started to notice a few different random trends going on right now and I thought I would share. We'll start off easy...

Yellow and Gray is the new Chocolate and Pink:

From everywhere to clothing to living rooms to weddings's - you can not escape yellow and gray right now! Do I like it? Yes. Do I sport it myself? Yes. Do I think it will be around for a while? Absolutely. If the Chocolate and Pink trend is any indication of how long this will last then buckle in and get comfy because Yellow and Gray is here to stay.


Correct grammar is so hot right now. Huh? Exactly. Whether it is correcting someone's punctuation to getting "on to" someone for using quotations "incorrectly" - it's hot. I have no idea how grammar can be trendy, but it is - so there. Do I like it? Meh, I think it's a little arrogant to constantly correct someone's grammar (although it can be hilarious - see that last bit). Do I sport it myself? I certainly try. I am the worst speller and am constantly looking words up (i just had to look up the word certainly). Do I think it will be around for a while? Meh, people will move on to picking on people for something else soon enough...

I really mustache you a question... Again, I have no idea how or why mustaches are popular, but they are EVERYWHERE! Do I like it? Meh, I don't really get it. But maybe some things aren't for me to get (?) Do I sport it myself? Nope - I think I would pay good money to NOT have a mustache (hee hee) Do I think it will be around for a while? Nah, people will get bored with it (like bicycles and chandeliers) and move on.

Random, many faceted, geometric thingies:

Do I like it? You know what? I do. Can't explain why - but I do. Do I sport it myself? Haven't yet, but I'm not opposed. Do I think it will be around for a while? Maybe. It seems you can spice it up enough to where people won't get sick of it super easy. Why not?

Foxes are totally the new Owls:

Owls aren't completely done yet, but when they are, the foxes will be right on their heels, chasing the owls to the trend-graveyard (RIP butterfly clips and schrunchies) and waiting to be crowned the new, most popular and cutest woodland creature (at least for a while anyway...)

Well, like I said before, I am no trend-setter - I just call them like I see them!

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